BusTick - Online Bus Ticket Booking App UI Kit in Flutter v2.0
BusTick is a full application template of the Online Bus Ticket Booking App designed for Users or Passengers. It is a full application UI KIT developed by Flutter. It contains 28+ awesome screens with various kinds of UI. It’s made a lot easier for all developers. Anyone can run apps by following the project instructions. This app is the most advanced app UI KIT on Codecanyon.

BusTick is a full application template of the Online Bus Ticket Booking App designed for Users or Passengers. It is a full application UI KIT developed by Flutter. It contains 28+ awesome screens with various kinds of UI. It’s made a lot easier for all developers. Anyone can run apps by following the project instructions. This app is the most advanced app UI KIT on Codecanyon.
https://uploadak.com/qloyYm1P6ENiq53/file https://www.upload.ee/files/17662860/bustick-20.zip.html